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So far Aboud Dandachi has created 33 blog entries.

IsraAID Israeli volunteers helping refugees in Lesbos, Greece

The Times of Israel has an excellent article by Gavin Rabinowitz on the aid work being done in Greece, by Israeli volunteers from the tireless IsraAID NGO. Volunteers from the organization have been on the ground on the island of Lesbos, providing assistance and medical aid to refugees from countries traditionally hostile to Israel.

While IsraAID has plenty of experience in disaster relief and assistance in 31 countries — from the 2011 earthquake and tsunami in Japan to the Ebola outbreak in West Africa — this mission presents a unique challenge: The beneficiaries come from countries that are traditionally hostile, or even officially still at war, with Israel.

Read the entire article here.

By |2016-01-06T06:01:42+00:00January 6, 2016|Europe, Israel, News items|0 Comments

Actor Baron Cohen and wife give $1m for Syrian refugees

Actor Sacha Baron Cohen (photo credit Joella Marano)

Actor Sacha Baron Cohen (photo credit Joella Marano)

Israeli news outlet i24 News reported on 27th December 2015 that British actor Sacha Baron Cohen and his wife Isla Fisher had donated USD $1 million in medical aid to help Syrian refugees in northern Syria and neighboring countries.

Half a million dollars was donated to Save the Children to pay for vaccinations, and another half a million dollars was donated to the International Rescue Committee to assist Syrian refugees in Lebanon, Turkey and Jordan.

David Miliband, currently the head of of the IRC, was quoted as  calling their gift a “great expression of humanity.”

Read the entire article here.

By |2016-01-06T05:33:34+00:00January 6, 2016|News items, United Kingdom|0 Comments

New Jersey Synagogue Invites Syrian Refugees to Chinese Dinner on Christmas

Published by Forward.com

A New Jersey synagogue had recently arrived Syrian refugees join them for what has become Jewish tradition on Christmas: Chinese Food.

“As Jews, we all come from refugee families and we know in our bones what it’s like to have hateful rhetoric directed toward us,” said Rabbi Tepperman of Montclair N.J.’s Bnai Keshet, whose members organized the gathering for 10 families, all Muslim. “Many of our parents were Holocaust refugees.”

“Members of our congregation and people throughout the Jewish community have really felt called to help the refugees,” Tepperman told NJ.com.

The Friday evening event coincided with the Sabbath and began with started with blessings over candles and challah bread, the news site reported.

Read the entire article here

By |2016-01-06T02:20:32+00:00January 6, 2016|News items, USA|0 Comments
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